Thursday, December 5, 2013

十二月特別節目: 泉富的分享

Tomorrow night 12/6 instead of Bible study, we are having a special talk 險中求勝--人生三學分 by our beloved brother 泉富. 



一樣的聚會時間和地點. 歡迎大家來喔! 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

感恩節聚會 11/28 6pm

歡迎大家週四晚上來查經班的感恩節聚會, 和弟兄姊妹查經班的家人們一起度過這個很特別的日子!

Thursday 11/28 6pm
在教會樂道堂樓下 (9618 Autoville Dr., College Park)
晚餐形式是potluck (一家一菜, sign-up sheet上面有些suggested dishes, 但是也可以自由發揮) 我們有人會負責烤火雞, 所以除了火雞以外, 帶啥都可以!
晚餐之後, 會一起唱詩歌, 玩遊戲, 和分享~ 

Please sign up through the following link by Wednesday night for food and ride coordination

Hope to see many of you there! 
and please note that we won't have our regular Friday gathering on 11/29 oh!

God bless!

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Our Daily Bread 9/19

From Our Daily Bread today:

Many believers long to spend daily time with God, praying and reading His Word. Ironically, they are often distracted by a busy schedule. Frustrations mount as busyness seems to crowd out an opening in their schedule.
Oswald Chambers has wisely commented on the transforming power of even 5 minutes in the presence of the Lord. Indeed, even a short time spent in intercession and the Word still has great value: “It is not the thing on which we spend the most time that moulds us, but the thing that exerts the greatest power. Five minutes with God and His Word is worth more than all the rest of the day.” Now, it may sound like Chambers has made an overstatement. Yet powerful results can come from even a short time of prayer, becauseGod is powerful.
Sometimes our days are filled with busy demands that crowd out time spent in listening to and responding to God. But no matter where we are, any time taken to build our own spiritual “altar” to the Lord as Abram did (Gen. 12:8) opens the door to His transforming power. If you are having trouble establishing a time with God, you could start with just 5 minutes and see where it leads. Our God longs to meet with us and show His power in our lives.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

2013/09 Special Talk 張教授

九月份查經班的special program請到張教授來跟我們分享"一個由衷的盼望: 平安喜樂" 
請點下面的連結下載audio file

Princeton University深造,取得數學博士,隨後在UC Berkeley從事博士後研究,然後
受聘於馬里蘭大學數學系任職教授,1998年Georgetown University禮聘張教授參與研

2013/08 Special Talk by Tom Keenan 2013/08

八月份查經班的special program請到Tom Keenan來跟我們分享科學與基督教信仰, and Biblical Creationism. 歡迎大家點下面的連結下載來聽
Tom Keenan special talk

請點這裡 for Q&A

講員: 柯男泰 Tom Keenan
十七年來都住在廣州的美國人,部分是做大學外教,主要是侍奉主。在University of Pennsylvania獲得學士和博士。Passion就是幫助慕道友脫離疑問,讓他們達到答案,確認真理,幫助信徒解決疑問,建立更堅固的信心。總的來說,看罪人得救,看信徒成聖,效法基督。
分享內容: 主要是以真神的創造為我基督教信仰的基礎,是客觀的、有科學的基礎,通過用科學來分析大自然,我能知道上帝的存在。再者,通過聖經性的創造科學(Biblical creationism),我也能理解為什麽,儘管有全能、慈愛的神創造這個宇宙,為什麽世上還會有痛苦、自然災害和死亡,這些都是因為人的祖宗犯了罪,神就不得不詛咒此世界。還有,通過學習有關地球、生命的來源的科學研究,包括關於地球的年齡,我自己曾經受過打擊的信心終於恢復,達到穩定的基礎,確認神的話語都是真實可靠的。

Thursday, September 5, 2013

September Special Program

Dear All,

Professor Chang will give a special talk this Friday. Come to join us!

Date:9/6/13 7pm (dinner and refreshment provided)
Location:3515 Campus Dr, College Park, MD 20740 (near Graduate Hills)
We are on the 2nd floor of the University Baptist Church, and the entrance is behind the building



Princeton University深造,取得数学博士,随后在UC Berkeley从事博士后研究,然后
受聘于马里兰大学数学系任职教授,1998年Georgetown University礼聘张教授参与研
师母于1984到美国纽泽西州求学,在Rutgers University获得Computer Science 硕士。
之后曾住加州一年,于 1988 年定居马里兰州。是软体工程师,曾于数家公司任职。但

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Operation Christmas Child

During the fall, the FIRE fellowship will be doing Operation Christmas Child, packing shoe boxes for boys and girls around the world in shoe boxes. Starting Sunday, August 11, there will be a box near the water fountain collection donations in the Chinese Bible Church College Park. It's a good time to start collection now since there are back to school deals for school supplies and other stuff, as you guys think about returning to school as well.

The boxes should be accommodating to boy and/or girl, ages 2-4, 5-9, or 10-14. Here's a list of what we can and can't have in the boxes (scroll down a little)

If you are interested in, please contact Debbie Lin (from MCBSG)@ or Andrea Dye (from FIRE Fellowship) @

Monday, August 19, 2013


前幾天看到一張卡片, 很受感動. 跟大家分享一下~

No matter how many of us put our trust in the Shepherd... He'll carry EVERY ONE close to His heart.

或許你會想, "哎呀! 我禱告事項這麼多, 神會不會覺得我很煩啊?" 或者, "唉, 神應該沒有時間理我吧... 這麼多人都在找祂, 祂肯定很忙...." 但是就像這張卡片說的, 不管有多少小羊需要祂這個牧羊人, 祂都會把每隻小羊抱在懷中, 不會撇棄任何一隻, 因為祂是好牧人!

盜賊來, 無非要偷竊, 殺害, 毀壞; 我來了, 是要叫羊得生命, 並且得的更豐盛. 我是好牧人, 好牧人為羊捨命 (約翰福音10:10-11).

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

2013 迎新

為了歡迎新同學, 查經班將在開學前特別舉辦一個迎新聚會
活動內容有動聽詩歌, 精彩短講, 輕鬆遊戲, 和認識彼此的小組活動!
會後還有free giveaway, 包括傢具, 廚房用具等等
6pm on Saturday, 8/31 (晚餐提供)
我們將借用教會場地 樂道堂(CBCCP)
9618 Autoville Dr, College Park, MD 20740
如有需要接送, 請聯繫我們!

汪以謝 (240)463-5701
姚勤 (202)746-4521

To help us prepare the right amount of food, 請按此連結報名
and please sign up before 8/28

BBQ on Saturday, 9/28
Fall outing/hiking in mid October