Saturday, November 23, 2013

感恩節聚會 11/28 6pm

歡迎大家週四晚上來查經班的感恩節聚會, 和弟兄姊妹查經班的家人們一起度過這個很特別的日子!

Thursday 11/28 6pm
在教會樂道堂樓下 (9618 Autoville Dr., College Park)
晚餐形式是potluck (一家一菜, sign-up sheet上面有些suggested dishes, 但是也可以自由發揮) 我們有人會負責烤火雞, 所以除了火雞以外, 帶啥都可以!
晚餐之後, 會一起唱詩歌, 玩遊戲, 和分享~ 

Please sign up through the following link by Wednesday night for food and ride coordination

Hope to see many of you there! 
and please note that we won't have our regular Friday gathering on 11/29 oh!

God bless!